Thanks to the Maizlish family being so awesome that they BOUGHT Hanson tickets (and then subsequently -or foolishly- decided to stay in for the debates), I was able to bear witness to the concert of the year.
During my early teens, weekends were spent conducting "Polaroid Hanson Photo-Shoots." We would line up in front of our endless supply of posters and pose, hair in face, scowl in place. The great part was that between the grainy picture quality and the long dirty blonde hair, it was almost impossible to tell the difference between, say, Kaitlin Isennock and Zach Hanson.

(Kaitlin? Zach? What? Who?)
Sadly, things have changed. Kaitlin looks far less like a boy and Zach is now, like, a dude with a family a wife and chubby drummer arms. Taylor is still the hot one, Isaac is absolutely the Stephanie Tanner of the group and the rest of their siblings are still living in shame in their parents basement.

(Time has been good to you, Hanson.)
Anyboyband, I was incredibly excited to see this little nugget from the past. They are actually pretty great musicians and though they are uber-christian you don't really hear it in their songs. Also, Taylor totally said "DAMN" onstage and I checked and Jesus said "that shit ain't cool, man."
Maybe Hanson is more legit than we all thought.